Taking your brand mobile by Ryan Evans, Clockwork Active Media Systems

Each year, some marketing expert proclaims that “it's the year of mobile”, yet every year passes with no noticeable shift in how the majority of brands strategize their mobile presence. Companies are worried about the ROI and marketers are still hesitant to take the risk. With marketing budgets tightening, everyone wants to know that their money is being spent wisely and their risk is minimal...

Effective Design for Multiple Screen Sizes

So you're a designer and have been tasked with the design of a mobile web site. Chances are, unless you're designing for only one device you're quickly going to be faced with a common problem experienced by designers who work with mobile devices; figuring out what screen size to actually design for. For instance:...

Going Native (or you had me at ‘hello’) Part I

So I’ve got a confession to make here, I’ve been working on this bit for the better part of a month now in fits and starts, and having a hard time getting my head around it all. I started out with the notion of a quick primer comparing what it would take to knock out a quick ‘hello world’ on the various native platforms out there if you were to decide to do something other than a web app...

DeviceAtlas 2.2 adds video and streaming properties and tests

2009 has just started and we already have a new update for DeviceAtlas. Today we are completely reviewing all the properties related to video and streaming. We have done a deep analysis of what we had and what was needed and we think we have done a great job. We have worked closely with our friends at Mobizoft and we have created a handful of new properties that are covering MUCH better what you can do on a mobile device with media files...

Build a Mobile and Desktop-Friendly Application in Django in 15 Minutes

This article quickly walks you through the process of setting up an absolutely minimal mobile- and desktop-friendly web application using the Django framework. This particular framework works very well with mobile thanks to the way its templates are structured and makes for a good choice for new web-based applications...

Developing Location Based Services: Introducing the Location API for J2ME

Many mobile phones today support the Location API for J2ME under JSR-179. Using the location API, you can easily develop useful location based mobile Java applications. In this article, we demonstrate how to develop and test a mobile location based client server application using JSR-179, servlets and Google Maps...

Stand and deliver – your case studies or

Like an addictive drug, with industry awards you're always left craving more: more information… more stuff we can learn from. Alberto Benbunan at hip Spanish agency Mobile Dreams Factory sums it up perfectly: "There’s more to awards ceremonies than recognizing the efforts of agencies or clients, they should also inspire others." It’s always interesting to know who and what, but what’s really useful is how and why...

Judge for yourself: the campaigns of Mobile Dreams Factory

mobiThinking caught up with Alberto Benbunan, corporate development director of award-winning agency Mobile Dreams Factory. We asked him to share with you the video case studies that helped put the Spanish mobile-marketing agency into the spotlight at the 2008 Mobile Marketing Association Awards. So if you weren’t on the MMA judging panel, now is your chance to judge for yourself. Let us know what your think...

Don’t forget the supine surfer

It's easy to be waylaid by the word "mobile" in "mobile web", to assume that the defining characteristic of mobile web surfer is the fact that they are out and about. Not always so! Sometimes, mobile = not at PC. Remember that "mobile web" often means the "consumed-on-mobile-device web" rather than the "out-and-about web". ...

Transcoding: what are the Viagra, Cialis and “Dear Winner” of HTML tag soup?

Over the last 6 months or so part of the tech team in dotMobi has been working on Instant Mobilizer, a site mobilizer service to help small businesses dip their toes in the waters of the mobile web. One of the big problems with content transcoding is deciding when it should be applied: if there is little hope of it working well another alternative should be offered. ...

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