Ruadhán O'Donoghue

Ruadhán O'Donoghue

Web & mobile developer & consultant
Editor & contributor at mobiForge
Author of "AMP: Building Accelerated Mobile Pages"

Latest Articles by Ruadhán O'Donoghue

Reducing page weight

When approaching the issue of web page weight, it’s useful to keep in mind the well known engineering maxim, “Simplify, and then add lightness“. This article describes some of the ways you can add lightness and reduce your web page weight...

AMPconf panel

AMPconf: AMP is a performance framework that’s growing up

The first ever AMP conference drew to a close this week after two days of sessions in NYC. We’ve been interested in AMP here at mobiForge since its launch because the emphasis on performance resonates so well with us; performance is a cornerstone of AMP. The conference brought together members of the AMP project, partners...

HTML5 for the mobile web – forms and input types

In this article we take a look at some of the new form enhancements available in HTML5, and look at how they contribute to an improved user experience for mobile forms. In particular we will see how forms can be enhanced with the additional input types offered by HTML5, and show what you can expect across various classes of mobile browser...

Mobile Payments with the Payment Request API

We’ve recently written about the effect UX has on conversions. One place that has always had a lot of friction is the checkout process, particularly the manual entry of billing information on handheld devices. There have been several drives to reduce such friction in recent years, including Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay, to...

Phone in snow

2016 Year in review: Highlights from the mobile web

2015 was a hard act to follow. That year, we noted, was an exceedingly good year for mobile, with highlights including advances in progressive web apps, web performance, and the Physical Web. Many of these themes have continued into 2016. From this viewpoint, 2016 was more of a year of iterative progression, than of pure...

Cloud beacons

Google’s Beacon Platform and the Physical Web

A lot has changed in a short time in Google’s beacon platform. Perhaps not to be unexpected given that it’s a relatively new technology. Beacons that you can purchase today generally have several broadcast modes to choose from, including iBeacon, Eddystone-EID, and Eddystone-URL. Some can broadcast multiple modes at once, while others must be configured...

Caching with service workers

Caching with service workers, the easy way

Caching is one (just one) of the things that service workers do really well. A good caching policy enables your web app to do some pretty cool things, like serving almost instantaneous responses, smoothing over patchy network connections, and even providing offline functionality. With the right caching you can banish 404 response pages to the...

Shuttle on booster

Bootstrapping Progressive Web Apps with amp-install-serviceworker

So you’re interested in the super-fast load times that AMP web pages offer, and you’re titillated by the rich, native-like experiences and functionality that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can deliver! How do you provide a seamless and instantaneous bridge between the two? Why, with <amp-install-serviceworker> of course! In this article we take a look at...

Phone UX

Mobile UX: device-targeting and conversion rate optimization

Much is made of the impact that speed has on conversion rates on the web. It’s a message that has become increasingly important in recent years, as mobile penetration rates have soared. Much less has been made of the effect of device-targeted UX on conversions. It’s well known that conversion rates are lower on smartphones...

Nav menu

Mobile-friendliness 101: How to build a fixed navigation bar

Fixed navigation bars, or “sticky” navbars, are a very common design pattern. They allow the visitor to access the main site features very quickly since they are always visible, wherever the user is on the site or page. On the other hand, some would argue that they can take up too much space unnecessarily on...

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