Mobile ad spend is growing fast, but is only a pittance of total media budgets. Top dogs are Google, Facebook, Pandora, YP…

Worldwide mobile ad revenues will reach US$16.65 billion in 2013, according to estimates by eMarketer. That’s almost double last year’s total of $8.80 billion. Mobile’s share of digital media spend is growing rapidly – this year it is expected to account for 14.2 percent of digital revenues, up from 8.5 percent in 2012...

The insiders guide to mobile app promotion: top tips for marketing your app from industry experts

The unpalatable truth is that app stores are dominated by apps from a handful of developers (Canalys, Distimo) with big marketing budgets, while the vast majority of apps disappear straight into obscurity without anyone noticing. But don’t despair...

28 percent of the top 100 apps still dont have a privacy policy

Research from the mobile association MEF highlights the need for app publishers to take user privacy more seriously to improve consumer trust in apps. Analysis of the top 100 free mobile apps available from the Apple App Store and Google Play reveals lack of privacy policy before download (45 percent), lack of privacy policy within app (68 percent) or failure to provide any privacy policy at all (28 percent)...

Very useful glossary of all things mobile

Mobext, the international mobile agency, has just launched The Mobile Index, an educational online glossary of portable tech. There is a brief commentary for each term – opinionated at times (but there’s no harm in a bit of color). There are also videos, images and links to other nifty stuff. Mobext says the glossary works well on any device, with any screen sizes, so give it a go. If any definition is missing or needs amending, let them know. Here are some sample definitions:...

HTML5 for the Mobile Web: Touch Events

With the widespread adoption of touchscreen devices, HTML5 brings to the table, among many other things, a set of touch-based interaction events. Mouse-based events such as hover, mouse in, mouse out etc. aren’t able to adequately capture the range of interactions possible via touchscreen, so touch events are a welcome and necessary addition to the web developer's toolbox. Use cases for the touch events API include gesture recognition, multi-touch, drag and drop, and any other touch-based interfaces...

Introduction to Chinas booming mobile money market – Q&A with Charmaine Oak, Shift Thought

With a vast number of Chinese already using digital wallets to pay for goods online, it’s was only a matter of time before mobile money took off. Now that standards are in place, and licenses issued to 250+ online/mobile payment providers, coupled with the availability of cheaper smartphones and mobile Web, the time has now come. This year 300 million people in China will pay for goods and services using their mobile phones, according to estimates from analysts Shift Thought...

Developing with Google Maps v2 for Android

In one of my previous articles, I talked about embedding Google Maps in Android applications. Much has changed as Google went about revamping a lot of existing APIs in Android. In version 1 of Google Maps for Android, Google used the MapView to display map data. In version 2, the MapView is deprecated; instead, you have to use a MapFragment...

New damning report into Apple factories: should consumers and business customers care? Should mobile marketers?

China Labor Watch (CLW), a US-based charity, has released a highly critical report, with video footage (see below), into conditions in Pegatron Group’s factories that produce Apple products, including the upcoming cheap iPhone...

A selection of easy-to-use tools to build a responsive site

There are various techniques for building mobile websites. Previously we wrote this article which covers some of these techniques, and which gives an overview to help developers to decide which approach to adopt...

Tablet and mobile device detection in PHP

Previously on mobiForge Ronan posted about a lightweight approach to device detection using regular expressions in PHP. Since this is still an approach widely adopted by many web developers today, we feel that it's about time we revisited the original article...

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