May 14, 2008, by Ruadhán O'Donoghue
We pushed out our first update to for some time last weekend. Well, you can stop salivating for now, as there are no new features to announce just yet; this release has focused on bug-fixes and such. Most notably version 2.1 includes:... Read More
Secret DeviceAtlas feature: Analytics
May 13, 2008, by James Pearce
We always thought of DeviceAtlas as being more about device 'intelligence' than merely device 'data'. Being able to see and interpret patterns in the data helps developers make really smart design decisions, rather than just react, at run-time, to whatever turns up at their site. So we've been putting a lot of effort into the analytics features of the platform. Currently we're trying out one- and two-dimensional analysis of device model populations... Read More
Server-side predictive text
May 13, 2008, by ronan
We've decided to try an experiment on server-side T9: if you type in a purely numeric query we will try to see if it maps to any common words in the English language, and offer you a link to the search. Thus searching for 46835 will ask you if you meant "hotel" and "7464 8663 " will suggest "ring tone"... Read More
Useful “X headers”
May 10, 2008, by jonarne
My hobby for a while has been to collect "X-headers". X-headers are fields in the request HTTP header beginning with an X. Put simply. These fields are kind of non-standard or proprietary add-ons to the regular fields in the HTTP header. These can be used for all kinds of fun stuff when building mobile portals. I have made a collection of some x-headers here... Read More
dotMobi Loves Mowser
May 9, 2008, by James Pearce
At long last we can announce some great news! dotMobi is acquiring the well-known Mowser service that provides content adaptation services for mobile. We're very excited about this. Russell Beattie and Mike Rowehl are both very talented mobile gurus and they'll be joining the dotMobi team to help us do cool things with their technology. We did this deal because Mowser fits really well into lots of our current projects. Firstly, the Mowser directory, search and listings will be integrated straight into our newly launched service... Read More
Content Delivery for Mobile Devices
May 7, 2008, by juanin
In the past, delivering content to mobile devices has been a very tricky subject. Developers who came into the mobile world were usually confronted with a new and unknown paradigm, where very little information could be found on how to determine devices' capabilities and to deliver content to them... Read More
DeviceAtlas: proposed new properties
May 5, 2008, by atrasatti
We have prepared a list of proposed properties for addition to DeviceAtlas. The list was built based on the requests we received in the last couple of months. Your feedback and suggestion is requested. See our forums: Proposed new properties... Read More
Mobile Internet User Experience
Having Internet access on mobile devices is about the freedom to utilize Internet anywhere, anytime. The more our daily lives are interlinked with the Internet, the more important it is to have Internet access whenever you need it. So far, the user experience has not been good enough to encourage the masses to start using the Internet on mobile devices... Read More
Follow mobiForge on Twitter
April 29, 2008, by James Pearce
Having trouble keeping up with all the new articles and forum posts on mobiForge? If you're a Twitter user, here's another alternative for doing so. Simply follow the Twitter user "mobiforge" and you will be subscribed to all our new blog, article, and forum posts... Read More
Mobile search: what are people looking for?
April 28, 2008, by ronan
One of the great things about running a mobile search engine ( ) is that it gives you a direct line of sight into the behaviour of normal users, and their expectations of what is available on the mobile web. One interesting insight we've gained from is that the majority of search phrases are navigational in nature... Read More