Ad Blocker Technology

The increasing trend towards screening out ads from web content using browser extensions or apps has hit the mainstream since Apple added support for Ad blockers in iOS9. Up until then, while possible, it was less straightforward to block ads on Apple’s Safari browser for iPhones and iPads...

Web push notifications

Web push notifications are the best thing to hit the web since the hyperlink! No kidding, this technology is going to be huge. Until recently web developers could only dream of push enabled web apps. Things have changed however, and web push notifications, the asynchronous delivery of messages to a user's device from a website, even when the website is not open in the browser, are now a reality thanks to a number of HTML5 APIs:...

Mobile OS market share in Q2 2015

For the past few years Android and iOS have been the only contenders for the title of ‘world’s most used mobile OS.’ In this article we share the latest statistics on mobile OS market share for Q2 2015 to show which of these two OSes is the most popular, and where. We'll also look at whether there area any emerging challengers to the top two platforms...

Google Initiative to Penalize App Banners Points Future Direction of Web

At the top of the month, Google announced the latest in a series of measures aimed at improving the mobile experience by making further changes to its mobile search ranking algorithms. This time, Google has taken aim at app install banners that obscure a significant part of webpage content on transition from the search results. From November onwards, Google will penalize this practice and offending sites risk worsening their rankings on mobile search...

How top Alexa companies use Adaptive Web Design

For some digital experts RWD seems like an approach that automagically addresses all mobile-related pain points but the truth is a little more complicated. RWD can be really beneficial for your website but only if you manage to keep the site lightweight and fast. And thus the majority of top Alexa companies use Adaptive Web Design to provide mobile visitors with optimal viewing experience...

Get the new Mobile Traffic Report Q2 2015: The Tablet Edition

Looking for the latest statistics on the mobile landscape? Check out the new Mobile Web Traffic report based on traffic generated by thousands of DeviceAtlas-powered sites in Q2 2015. Unlike many other reports, this publication focuses on what people are actually doing on their mobile devices, rather than on shipment figures. This will help you understand the complexity of the mobile world today...

Touch-friendly Drag and Drop

In this article we explore some touch-friendly drag and drop implementations. In particular we'll be looking at DOM and canvas-based drag and drop approaches. We'll also build on some of the things we learned in previous HTML5 articles on mobiForge...

Mobile browser stats by country

Below you can explore web usage broken down by mobile browser and country. Select a country to see the browser stats for that country. DeviceAtlas allows you to access mobile traffic data sourced from thousands of websites from all over the world. You can browse many kinds of stats across over 70 countries. Each data point shows the percentage of traffic generated by a certain kind of device. Visit DeviceAtlas to access more data...

Mobile Networks Statistics 2015

In this section you will find some of the most interesting statistics regarding the advancement of mobile network technology, along with information regarding mobile subscriptions...

Mobile Software Statistics 2015

In this section we have assembled the latest trends regarding mobile phone software. These statistics relate to operating systems, app use, and mobile browsers...

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