Shuttle on booster

Bootstrapping Progressive Web Apps with amp-install-serviceworker

So you’re interested in the super-fast load times that AMP web pages offer, and you’re titillated by the rich, native-like experiences and functionality that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can deliver! How do you provide a seamless and instantaneous bridge between the two? Why, with <amp-install-serviceworker> of course! In this article we take a look at...

Why the performance gap is getting wider

In a recent presentation Google’s web performance engineer Ilya Grigorik talked about building fast and resilient web apps. He pointed out that today network speed, memory, and CPU performance are all highly variable no matter what device or region. Looking at the entire spectrum of smartphones available, the performance gap between low-end and high-end is wider than ever...

Apple losing share, Samsung and Huawei growing in Q2 2016 (new report)

Q2 2016 wasn’t great for Apple in terms of web traffic share, according to the newly released Mobile Web Intelligence Report, published by device intelligence provider DeviceAtlas. Apple lost in 18 out of 20 countries we analysed, including the largest markets such as UK (-10%), Germany (-6%), and USA (-4%). Get the new report to...

The web performance impact of third-party libraries

In many ways the ease with which one can include third-party libraries in a web page is a testament to both the design of the web and extraordinarily rich and open ecosystem around it. With a few third-party services you can transform a static HTML page into a rich interactive experience with comments, media, analytics,...

Transcoders – the technology we love to hate that will never go away

Many years ago I remember a Google product manager saying that his product, the Google mobile transcoder, was the one product that everyone wished would go away...

Phone UX

Mobile UX: device-targeting and conversion rate optimization

Much is made of the impact that speed has on conversion rates on the web. It’s a message that has become increasingly important in recent years, as mobile penetration rates have soared. Much less has been made of the effect of device-targeted UX on conversions. It’s well known that conversion rates are lower on smartphones...

loading spinner

How to build an animated loading spinner

Loading spinners are a great way to provide user feedback during waiting periods. This can signal to a user that your website has not crashed and is processing information. The original way to create loading spinners for the web was by using animated GIFs. Animated GIFs can have weight issues. This is due to the...

Nav menu

Mobile-friendliness 101: How to build a fixed navigation bar

Fixed navigation bars, or “sticky” navbars, are a very common design pattern. They allow the visitor to access the main site features very quickly since they are always visible, wherever the user is on the site or page. On the other hand, some would argue that they can take up too much space unnecessarily on...

Stopwatch and scales

Google’s new mobile-friendliness test tool: How it gets it right this time

In case you missed it, Google just launched another tool to test the mobile-friendliness of your website. The company now has a number of testing tools aimed at promoting good mobile web best practices such as keeping page weight down and ensuring quick render times. The other tools you might be familiar with are the...

A page weight reference for the web – the 1 MB website

“Every line is the perfect length if you don’t measure it.” — Marty Rubin In engineering disciplines it’s very important to have fixed frames of reference to enable easy comparison of results. In the web developer community we already have many page weight measuring tools such as our own mobiReady and So we have the weighing...

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