Nine reasons to consider mobile marketing

Anders Hansson, from Infonu in Stockholm alerted us to their eBook,, “How To Go Mobile”. Here’s a short excerpt, nine reasons to consider mobile marketing… (Thanks Anders!) 1. You get a list of phone numbers of consumers interested in your products. A mobile phone number is a more reliable reference to a consumer than an email address. Use your list to learn who your consumers are. 2. You communicate directly to consumers wherever they are...

The Mobile Web is alive and well in Startup Land

dotMobi was at CrunchLudd last night and we got to talk to plenty of cool web startups from Dublin. I'm imagining there might have a similar event 12 years ago for print, media, graphic design and CD-ROM startups. And a ranting sponsor (who perhaps looked a bit like me) from the fledgling Internet industry kept telling them that the web would soon change their world...

We’re proud to sponsor CrunchLudd

Being good Dublin citizens, dotMobi is proud to sponsor CrunchLudd tonight - a joint TechCrunch & TechLudd Meetup...

Pot noodles bring brand attitude to their mobi

Pot Noodle is a wonderfully anarchic UK brand. They bring their attitude and energy to the mobile platform with a fun site Check out the “Tipping Pot” video – a very funny spoof of the famous Guinness ad. As they put it, “Who needs Argentineans and a massive budget when you've got a flatulent drunk and some old shopping trolleys?” If the two pillars of mobile web marketing are utility and entertainment, these guys come down firmly on the side of the latter – and pull it off...

An “essential” document for mobile web designers

We've often maintained that 2008 will be the official "Year of the Mobile Web". But I've always thought that it's also the year when it comes out of the technical shadows - and web designers start to take it seriously.Mature mobile web design has been a long time coming, of course held back by usual gripes like browser capabilities, device diversity and network speeds. But life moves on, and now it's time to make the mobile web look amazing... goes Wordle

If you haven't seen Wordle, go take a look: it's a fun, pretty tag cloud generator.Here's how the front page of looks: Apart from the cricked necks here at dotMobi towers, it's nice to see some of the subliminal messages. "Blog with mobile!"... v2.1.1 is live

You can probably guess by the version number 2.1.1 (from 2.1), there is nothing ground-breaking in this release. Just a few more bug fixes. In particular we have fixed a bug that caused the use of multiple tags in your markup to reduce your overall score...

DeviceAtlas – TADA!

The Test Application (or “test suite", as it is also known) for DeviceAtlas is a system that has been developed which provides you, the user, with the opportunity to input device specific data directly into our system. This simple process is demonstrated below in a step-by-step introduction to “My First Test Session" , so read on to find out more...

Calling all mobile marketing professionals!

I'm proud to announce that we have a new sibling!We're really pleased with how mobiForge has grown over the last year to become an independent authority for technical mobile professionals. And now we're launching mobiThinking: dotMobi's new resource site and blog designed for anyone interested in mobile marketing, branding, and advertising...

Mowser Publisher Information

This document is designed to take the place of the Mowser Publisher Wiki that resided at This information has now been moved to a series of pages on mobiForge.The following content in mobiForge is relevant to publishers using mowser to mobilise their content...

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